Media Center

Interviews with the Experts

Where God Weeps—Religion in China

Where God Weeps—Religion in China

Why do I study religion?

Why do I Study Religion

From Cooperation to Resistance

From Cooperation to Resistance

Christianity as Westernization

Dramatic Social Change Causes Religious Seeking

Christianity as Westernization

Christianity as Westernization

Universal Religions are Growing Faster

Universal Religions are Growing Faster

Our Common Humanity

Our Common Humanity

Religion Beliefs in Modern China

Religion Beliefs in Modern China

Peter Bol

Peter Bol

Ray Wang

Ray Wang

Yang Peng

Yang Peng

Gareth Fisher

Gareth Fisher

Nikolas Broy

Nikolas Broy

Ryan Hombeck

Ryan Hombeck

Lectures and Presentations

Mapping Religions Webinar Series 3 — Mapping the Global East

Mapping Religions Webinar Series 2 — Mapping Chinese Religions

Mapping Religions Webinar Series 1 — An Introduction to the Online Spiritual Atlas of the Global East

Online Symposium: The State of Religions in Hong Kong 2022

Where Are the Churches in China? And Why?

Christian Nationalism, Anti Asian Racism & Asian American Resistance

Place, Space, and Politics in Chinese Religions The Case of Chunyang Guan (純陽觀) in Sichuan

Kristian Petersen

Interpreting Islam in China

Peter van der Veer

Nation and Religion in Asia

Jennifer Lin Toggle

Shanghai Faithful

Jeffrey Wasserstrom

The Changing Fortunes of Confucius, 1918-2018

Ian Johnson

The Confucian Dream?

Soul Searching among Chinese Expatriates in Dubai

Soul Searching among Chinese Expatriates in Dubai

Can Muslims Dream the American Dream?

Can Muslims Dream the American Dream?

Fenggang Yang

SSSR Presidential Address
