Center on Religion and the Global East
The Center on Religion and the Global East (CRGE) at Purdue University is dedicated to advancing the social scientific study of religion in East Asian societies, East Asian diasporas, and religions originated in East Asia that are spread around the world. The Center on Religion and Chinese Society (CRCS) was started in 2008 to advance scholarship and dialogue on Chinese religions. In 2020, we expanded our focus to religion in the Global East. CRGE strives to deepen scholarly understanding of religions through research projects and scholarly exchanges, and to building bridges among scholars in the West and East and between scholars and the public through media, symposia, lectures, and publications.
CRGE Publications
Yang, Fenggang. 2024. "Xi Jinping Is Not Trying to Make Christianity More Chinese", Christianity Today.
Yang, Fenggang. 2023. "My Top 5 Books on the Sinicization of Christianity in China", Christianity Today.
Yang, Fenggang and Brian L. McPhail. 2023. "Measuring Religiosity of East Asians: Multiple Religious Belonging, Believing, and Practicing", Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.

Религия в Китае. Выживание и возрождение при коммунистическом режиме
Религия в Китае. Выживание и возрождение при коммунистическом режиме, Russian Edition of [Fenggang Yang, Religion in China: Survival & Revival under Communist Rule, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012] 2022.

宗教在當代中國 : 共產黨統治下的存續與復興
宗教在當代中國 : 共產黨統治下的存續與復興 Chinese Edition of [Fenggang Yang, Religion in China: Survival & Revival under Communist Rule, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012] 2021.

Shades of Gray in the Changing Religious Markets of China
Yang, Fenggang, Jonathan Pettit and Chris White. 2021. Shades of Gray in the Changing Religious Markets of China, Brill.
Review of Religion and Chinese Society
Volume 10, Issue 2
Joanthan Ba, Understanding the Geopolitical Implications of the Impending Religious Power Vacuum in Tibet
Michael E. Moss, Ancient Latin or Modern French? An Inquiry into the Source Text of Ma Xiangbo’s Translation of the Four Gospels
Tsz-him Lai, Christian Activism in the Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Movement: A History from 1984 to 2019
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