Chinese Buddhism: From Holmes Welch to the Present

Symposium on Chinese Buddhism: From Holmes Welch to the Present was held at Purdue University on April 28, 2018. Five scholars presented papers at the symposium.

Thomas Borchert Belt and Road Buddhists? Minority Buddhism, Rebuilding Buddhist Institutions and Buddhist Diplomacy in the Early Twenty-First Century

Jane Caple The Consumer, the Rebel and the ‘Natural’ Buddhist: Rethinking Tibetan Buddhism in Contemporary China

Gareth Fisher From Temples to Teahouses: Exploring the Evolution of Lay Buddhism in Post-Mao China

Douglas Gildow Buddhist Monasticism in China since Mao

Stefania Travagnin From zaixian fotang 在线佛堂 to jiqi seng 机器僧: New Developments in the Long-term Interaction between Buddhism, Media and Technology